Our Mission

Provide unforgettable journeys that enrich your life.

Our goal is to be your premier travel concierge, time and again. We do this by adhering to a few simple but extremely important values:

  • Exceptional Client Service – we want the best for you before, during, and after your vacation
  • Continuous Education – we improve our knowledge and understanding of locations, advisories, and requirements
  • Highest Ethical Conduct – we operate with integrity and transparency
Did you know you can rappel down Costa Rica's waterfalls?

What got us here

Justin Brunner, the CEO and principal advisor of Breakout Travel, wanted to create better experiences for others while creating better work/life balance for himself. He quickly discovered that many agencies and travel systems are pretty antiquated. And, the words ‘travel agent’ can bring to mind a lot of different things–not all of them good. 

Justin set out to blend his professional background with his passions, to provide better client experiences.  

He explores locations first-hand and secures vendors through his own travel and innovative ideas. Justin and his partners are examining data and new technologies, with the hope of increasing efficiencies, reducing costs and passing the savings to our clients. 

He took what he knew of great travel and cultural exploration and wants to build a better future for travelers.

About Justin Brunner

Justin Brunner developed his love for globetrotting during his time in the U.S. Navy, where he lived on both U.S. coasts and explored numerous ports across Asia and Australia. His fascination with diverse cultures deepened his belief in global interconnectedness. Over time, he has developed a strong affinity for Latin America and Europe, and wished to share the richness and vibrancy of these cultures with others, including the LGBTQ+ community.

With a background in corporate leadership and management consulting, Justin possesses a comprehensive understanding of delivering exceptional customer service, managing successful businesses, and upholding ethical standards. 

He is a certified travel professional, gaining credentials from an ASTA affiliated travel program; a member of the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA); and currently affilitated with the Legato Travel Group. 

Contact Justin

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